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Training Camp Day 2

Training Camp Day 2

I stopped throwing up!!

Day 2 started rough. I got out of bed but was forced to go straight back into it as the room kept violently spinning. I ended up missing the morning long bike ride (super bummed out about this). I finally managed to get out of bed around 11 and kept down a banana! Yay me :)

About an hour after I ate the banana and managed to keep it down I attempted to eat a chicken sandwich. It was a bit of a process but I finally managed to eat the whole thing. And I kept it down! Baby steps.

I was starting to feel relatively good at this point and was ready to start working out. Coach Kyle took me for an hour spin around St. George followed by a tempo run just shy of 3km. It felt so good to be out riding in the sun. After this I joined Coach Lisa, Avery and Sara for another hour spin followed by another 3km tempo run. Not nearly as fun as a long ride but I’ll take it over nothing.

Side note: Coach Lisa is a geologist and took us to see some pretty rocks.

It was super hot and despite wearing sun screen I still ended up a little toasty and red. Crossing my fingers it turns into a nice tan and doesn’t peel away.

After having a quick shower and consuming a cliff bar (which I also kept down) I joined my team for a stretching/recovery session. This was followed by dinner - pork chops, roasted veggies, salad and an ice cream sandwich for dessert. My appetite still isn’t anywhere near what it normally is but I ate entire plate of food without any issues. Success. We spent the rest of night playing volleyball with a soccer ball (anticipating some nasty bruises tomorrow). My signature “punch” move actually worked a couple times.

Tomorrows’s plan is a bike and a swim. I’m still slightly disappointed I wasn’t able to have a fantastic start to my camp - especially since the bike is my weakest component in this sport and needs the most focus. I’m ready to put all my focus into the rest of the workouts and enjoy the sun - priority number one: get a tan :)

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